No Matches
Modules List
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
 Mla_blasPrecision-agnostic BLAS interface
 Mla_choleskyCholesky factorization of a matrix, based on LAPACK POTRF functions
 Mla_constantsSupported kind parameters
 Mla_determinantDeterminant of a rectangular matrix
 Mla_eigEigenvalues and Eigenvectors
 Mla_eyeIdentity and diagonal matrices
 Mla_inverseInverse of a square matrix
 Mla_lapackKind-agnostic LAPACK interface linking to internal or external implementations
 Mla_least_squaresLeast squares solution interface
 Mla_normsMatrix and Vector norms
 Mla_qrQR factorization of a matrix
 Mla_state_typeState and error handling module for linear algebra routines
 Mla_svdSingular Value Decomposition