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la_lapack::lasr Interface Reference

LASR: applies a sequence of real plane rotations to a complex matrix A, from either the left or the right. When SIDE = 'L', the transformation takes the form A := P*A and when SIDE = 'R', the transformation takes the form A := A*P**T where P is an orthogonal matrix consisting of a sequence of z plane rotations, with z = M when SIDE = 'L' and z = N when SIDE = 'R', and P**T is the transpose of P. When DIRECT = 'F' (Forward sequence), then P = P(z-1) * ... * P(2) * P(1) and when DIRECT = 'B' (Backward sequence), then P = P(1) * P(2) * ... * P(z-1) where P(k) is a plane rotation matrix defined by the 2-by-2 rotation R(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) = ( -s(k) c(k) ). When PIVOT = 'V' (Variable pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,k+1), i.e., P(k) has the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears as a rank-2 modification to the identity matrix in rows and columns k and k+1. When PIVOT = 'T' (Top pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (1,k+1), so P(k) has the form P(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns 1 and k+1. Similarly, when PIVOT = 'B' (Bottom pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,z), giving P(k) the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns k and z. The rotations are performed without ever forming P(k) explicitly. More...

Public Member Functions

pure subroutine clasr (side, pivot, direct, m, n, c, s, a, lda)
pure subroutine dlasr (side, pivot, direct, m, n, c, s, a, lda)
pure subroutine slasr (side, pivot, direct, m, n, c, s, a, lda)
pure subroutine zlasr (side, pivot, direct, m, n, c, s, a, lda)

Detailed Description

LASR: applies a sequence of real plane rotations to a complex matrix A, from either the left or the right. When SIDE = 'L', the transformation takes the form A := P*A and when SIDE = 'R', the transformation takes the form A := A*P**T where P is an orthogonal matrix consisting of a sequence of z plane rotations, with z = M when SIDE = 'L' and z = N when SIDE = 'R', and P**T is the transpose of P. When DIRECT = 'F' (Forward sequence), then P = P(z-1) * ... * P(2) * P(1) and when DIRECT = 'B' (Backward sequence), then P = P(1) * P(2) * ... * P(z-1) where P(k) is a plane rotation matrix defined by the 2-by-2 rotation R(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) = ( -s(k) c(k) ). When PIVOT = 'V' (Variable pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,k+1), i.e., P(k) has the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears as a rank-2 modification to the identity matrix in rows and columns k and k+1. When PIVOT = 'T' (Top pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (1,k+1), so P(k) has the form P(k) = ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns 1 and k+1. Similarly, when PIVOT = 'B' (Bottom pivot), the rotation is performed for the plane (k,z), giving P(k) the form P(k) = ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( c(k) s(k) ) ( 1 ) ( ... ) ( 1 ) ( -s(k) c(k) ) where R(k) appears in rows and columns k and z. The rotations are performed without ever forming P(k) explicitly.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ clasr()

pure subroutine la_lapack::lasr::clasr ( character, intent(in)  side,
character, intent(in)  pivot,
character, intent(in)  direct,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(sp), dimension(*), intent(in)  c,
real(sp), dimension(*), intent(in)  s,
complex(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda 

◆ dlasr()

pure subroutine la_lapack::lasr::dlasr ( character, intent(in)  side,
character, intent(in)  pivot,
character, intent(in)  direct,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  c,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  s,
real(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda 

◆ la_clasr()


◆ la_dlasr()


◆ la_qlasr()


◆ la_slasr()


◆ la_wlasr()


◆ la_zlasr()


◆ slasr()

pure subroutine la_lapack::lasr::slasr ( character, intent(in)  side,
character, intent(in)  pivot,
character, intent(in)  direct,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(sp), dimension(*), intent(in)  c,
real(sp), dimension(*), intent(in)  s,
real(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda 

◆ zlasr()

pure subroutine la_lapack::lasr::zlasr ( character, intent(in)  side,
character, intent(in)  pivot,
character, intent(in)  direct,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  c,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  s,
complex(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda 

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