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la_lapack::sytri_rook Interface Reference

SYTRI_ROOK: computes the inverse of a complex symmetric matrix A using the factorization A = U*D*U**T or A = L*D*L**T computed by CSYTRF_ROOK. More...

Public Member Functions

pure subroutine csytri_rook (uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, info)
pure subroutine dsytri_rook (uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, info)
pure subroutine ssytri_rook (uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, info)
pure subroutine zsytri_rook (uplo, n, a, lda, ipiv, work, info)

Detailed Description

SYTRI_ROOK: computes the inverse of a complex symmetric matrix A using the factorization A = U*D*U**T or A = L*D*L**T computed by CSYTRF_ROOK.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ csytri_rook()

pure subroutine la_lapack::sytri_rook::csytri_rook ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(*), intent(in)  ipiv,
complex(sp), dimension(*), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ dsytri_rook()

pure subroutine la_lapack::sytri_rook::dsytri_rook ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(*), intent(in)  ipiv,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ la_csytri_rook()


◆ la_dsytri_rook()


◆ la_qsytri_rook()


◆ la_ssytri_rook()


◆ la_wsytri_rook()


◆ la_zsytri_rook()


◆ ssytri_rook()

pure subroutine la_lapack::sytri_rook::ssytri_rook ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(*), intent(in)  ipiv,
real(sp), dimension(*), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ zsytri_rook()

pure subroutine la_lapack::sytri_rook::zsytri_rook ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(*), intent(in)  ipiv,
complex(dp), dimension(*), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

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