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la_lapack::pstrf Interface Reference

PSTRF: computes the Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting of a complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix A. The factorization has the form P**T * A * P = U**H * U , if UPLO = 'U', P**T * A * P = L * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular, and P is stored as vector PIV. This algorithm does not attempt to check that A is positive semidefinite. This version of the algorithm calls level 3 BLAS. More...

Public Member Functions

pure subroutine cpstrf (uplo, n, a, lda, piv, rank, tol, work, info)
pure subroutine dpstrf (uplo, n, a, lda, piv, rank, tol, work, info)
pure subroutine spstrf (uplo, n, a, lda, piv, rank, tol, work, info)
pure subroutine zpstrf (uplo, n, a, lda, piv, rank, tol, work, info)

Detailed Description

PSTRF: computes the Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting of a complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix A. The factorization has the form P**T * A * P = U**H * U , if UPLO = 'U', P**T * A * P = L * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is lower triangular, and P is stored as vector PIV. This algorithm does not attempt to check that A is positive semidefinite. This version of the algorithm calls level 3 BLAS.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cpstrf()

pure subroutine la_lapack::pstrf::cpstrf ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(n), intent(out)  piv,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  rank,
real(sp), intent(in)  tol,
real(sp), dimension(2*n), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ dpstrf()

pure subroutine la_lapack::pstrf::dpstrf ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(n), intent(out)  piv,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  rank,
real(dp), intent(in)  tol,
real(dp), dimension(2*n), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ la_cpstrf()


◆ la_dpstrf()


◆ la_qpstrf()


◆ la_spstrf()


◆ la_wpstrf()


◆ la_zpstrf()


◆ spstrf()

pure subroutine la_lapack::pstrf::spstrf ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(n), intent(out)  piv,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  rank,
real(sp), intent(in)  tol,
real(sp), dimension(2*n), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ zpstrf()

pure subroutine la_lapack::pstrf::zpstrf ( character, intent(in)  uplo,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(inout)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
integer(ilp), dimension(n), intent(out)  piv,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  rank,
real(dp), intent(in)  tol,
real(dp), dimension(2*n), intent(out)  work,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

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