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la_lapack::trsyl Interface Reference

TRSYL: solves the complex Sylvester matrix equation: op(A)*X + X*op(B) = scale*C or op(A)*X - X*op(B) = scale*C, where op(A) = A or A**H, and A and B are both upper triangular. A is M-by-M and B is N-by-N; the right hand side C and the solution X are M-by-N; and scale is an output scale factor, set <= 1 to avoid overflow in X. More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine ctrsyl (trana, tranb, isgn, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, scale, info)
subroutine dtrsyl (trana, tranb, isgn, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, scale, info)
subroutine strsyl (trana, tranb, isgn, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, scale, info)
subroutine ztrsyl (trana, tranb, isgn, m, n, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, scale, info)

Detailed Description

TRSYL: solves the complex Sylvester matrix equation: op(A)*X + X*op(B) = scale*C or op(A)*X - X*op(B) = scale*C, where op(A) = A or A**H, and A and B are both upper triangular. A is M-by-M and B is N-by-N; the right hand side C and the solution X are M-by-N; and scale is an output scale factor, set <= 1 to avoid overflow in X.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ ctrsyl()

subroutine la_lapack::trsyl::ctrsyl ( character, intent(in)  trana,
character, intent(in)  tranb,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  isgn,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(in)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
complex(sp), dimension(ldb,*), intent(in)  b,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldb,
complex(sp), dimension(ldc,*), intent(inout)  c,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldc,
real(sp), intent(out)  scale,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ dtrsyl()

subroutine la_lapack::trsyl::dtrsyl ( character, intent(in)  trana,
character, intent(in)  tranb,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  isgn,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(in)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
real(dp), dimension(ldb,*), intent(in)  b,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldb,
real(dp), dimension(ldc,*), intent(inout)  c,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldc,
real(dp), intent(out)  scale,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ la_ctrsyl()


◆ la_dtrsyl()


◆ la_qtrsyl()


◆ la_strsyl()


◆ la_wtrsyl()


◆ la_ztrsyl()


◆ strsyl()

subroutine la_lapack::trsyl::strsyl ( character, intent(in)  trana,
character, intent(in)  tranb,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  isgn,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
real(sp), dimension(lda,*), intent(in)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
real(sp), dimension(ldb,*), intent(in)  b,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldb,
real(sp), dimension(ldc,*), intent(inout)  c,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldc,
real(sp), intent(out)  scale,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

◆ ztrsyl()

subroutine la_lapack::trsyl::ztrsyl ( character, intent(in)  trana,
character, intent(in)  tranb,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  isgn,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  m,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  n,
complex(dp), dimension(lda,*), intent(in)  a,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  lda,
complex(dp), dimension(ldb,*), intent(in)  b,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldb,
complex(dp), dimension(ldc,*), intent(inout)  c,
integer(ilp), intent(in)  ldc,
real(dp), intent(out)  scale,
integer(ilp), intent(out)  info 

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